The below Cloudamize Platform capabilities and limits are enforced specifically for users who purchase the Cloudamize SINGLE USE license. Where not specified, all usage capabilities and limits are as defined within the relevant Order Form1.

  • Unless otherwise defined within the Order Form1, the standard Cloudamize online Terms & Conditions apply to the use of SINGLE USE licenses.
  • The SINGLE USE license term shall commence upon signature of the Order Form1.
  • A SINGLE USE license entitle users to 12 months of access to the Cloudamize Platform to utilize the following platform components;
  • The SINGLE USE license grants license holder the ability to conduct 1 data collection & analysis, starting at any period within the contract term2.
  • SINGLE USE licenses limits are set based on the access term and total number of nodes3 purchased, with the total number of nodes3 assessed not to exceed the total number of licenses purchased.
  • Once installed, SINGLE USE licenses cannot be transferred to another node3 without express consent from a Cloudamize representative.
  • The SINGLE USE license holder retains access to the Cloudamize Platform and data for the entirety of the contract term2. If not renewed, all data will be removed from the platform no later than 90 days after the contract term2.
  • At the termination of the contract term2, unused nodes3 shall expire unless otherwise granted via written consent.
  • Basic Support and access to the Cloudamize knowledge base are available to SINGLE USE license holders. Enhanced Set-Up and Migration Ready support services can be purchased at an additional cost.

If you do not need a full 12 months per assessment, consider our Multi Use or Tier Based License Models, or contact sales to have a plan tailored to your needs.


  1. Order Form: Refers to the contractual agreement between Cloudamize and the customer. See Example Order Form.
  2. Contract Term: Duration of license availability and access to the Cloudamize Platform.
  3. Node: An individual server, either physical or virtual.
  4. Cloudamize Agent: A component of the Cloudamize platform, which is installed in the customer’s environment and used to collect data during the assessment phase.



Revision Date Revision Description
January 20, 2025 Initial Release of the HTML version, including modernization and clarification of terms.